I chose to read the Celtic Fairy Tales for my Reading Diary "A" submission and my favorite story was The Horned Women.
This was a story about a woman who was approached by twelve witches each with a different amount of horns on their foreheads. They bewitched the woman and tried to get her to do their bidding for them. As she was trying to perform some tasks for them, she heard a voice that told her to say and do certain things to make the witches go away. She did as the voice had told her by putting feet water around the house, making a cake with blood from her family members and other things like that to save her family from the witches return.
When the witches returned, they weren't able to reenter her home because she had performed the tasks that the voice of the Spirit of the Well had told her to do. The witches finally went away and left her family alone for over 500 years. Her family kept the traditions alive so that their family would continue to be safe from the witches (horned woman).
I really admire the woman's tenacity and willingness to do whatever it took to save her family from the witches. She was a mother of young children and good mothers will do anything in their power to protect their children. She showed a great strength even though she was originally overcome by the witches spells in the beginning. She believed that her family would be safe if she listened to the voice and did what it said. Because of her actions, her family remained safe for many hundreds of years.
I can relate to how the character felt about her family because I would do anything I could to keep my family safe. I think that is why I liked this story so much because I can see myself in this story's character. We can all be fooled by false or bad people at times, but once we figure out they are trying to hurt people we love, then that's when the "momma bear" personality in me comes out.
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