Sunday, February 8, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 4

Wow, this week was especially tough for me.  I fell behind in getting my work done and ended up not being able to do any of my Reading Diaries or Storytelling for this week.  I'm so thankful for an understanding instructor and all of the extra credit options that are available to us all.  I had numerous personal life situations happen that interfered with my schoolwork, but with a husband and 6 children most people can probably understand why.  For most of the week, I felt like I was stressed out and ready to lose my mind.  Thankfully, I can look back on everything that happened and smile because I survived without being put in the looney bin!  Lol

As for my other classes, I haven't found any similarities between them and this class, but I did find out that one of my children, 15 year old girl, is learning about Greek Mythology (the gods, goddesses & beasts) in one of her classes.  It is kind of nice to be able to compare what she is learning to the material in this class.  Each day, we talk about what she has learned that day and I let her read my blogs and see the story selections that we can chose from in my class.

This week for one of my extra credit assignments, I chose to include a YouTube video into a blog.  I've never really searched or looked around on YouTube much before doing this assignment, so I really enjoyed looking around at all the video options there.  Man...the video options on YouTube seem to be endless!!!!  I posted a video on eyeliner techniques on my blog!  I was fascinated with all of the makeup tutorials on there.  Since looking around on that site, I have used it for another one of my classes to help me understand Trigonometry better.  There are tons of videos on Trigonometry topics and they really did help me with two homework assignments that were due this weekend.  Needless to say, I will be watching a lot more YouTube videos from now on!!!  :-)

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