One day, a magical leopard decided to go to a psychic to find out what his future held for him. The leopard's power was being able to speak in whatever languages the people around him were speaking. So, the leopard traveled far and wide to find a psychic who would not be afraid of him and would tell him about his future. He was a fierce-looking leopard with bright colored spots, large muscular body, huge paws, and long, sharp fangs. Many people were afraid of him, so finding a psychic proved to be a difficult task for him. This magical leopard dreamed of one day marrying a princess who was as beautiful in personality as she was beautiful in appearance. After traveling quite a long distance, he finally found a fortune teller who would tell him about his future.

The fortune teller was slightly afraid as first, but then realized this was a great opportunity to make some money off of the magical leopard. As the leopard approached the fortune teller, he said, "Be not afraid...I will not hurt you IF you tell me about my future." The psychic said, "I'm not afraid and I will be glad to tell you your future if you provide food for my family for one year." The leopard agreed for he was desperate to know about his future.
The fortune teller said, "Very soon, you will come across a river that is very wide and deep. You will go to take a drink and will be swept away by the current." Looking horrified, the leopard tried to sit still while listening to the rest of the story. The psychic continued on by saying, "At the point when you think you are about to die, you will be rescued by a sweet, loving princess whom you shall marry." The relief on the leopard's face was quite obvious by now even though he was still afraid of the thought of nearing death.
So, the leopard thanked the psychic and promised that once he found the princess and married her, he would bring the psychic food every day for the next year. The leopard began his journey, but it took him almost two weeks before he came across a flowing river. He wondered if this would be the river the fortune teller told him about in his vision. The leopard bent down to get a drink and lost his footing on the river's bank. He fell into the river and thrashed about while trying to gasp for air. He knew he must be nearing his end. Right when the leopard was about to draw his last breath, a beautiful princess scooped him up out of the river with the greatest of ease. She caressed his face and fell instantly in love with the leopard. The princess vowed to stay with the leopard until he regained consciousness.
Once the leopard regained consciousness, he gazed into the eyes of the most beautiful princess he had ever seen and whispered, "Thank you for saving me. How can I ever repay you?" The princess said, "Marry me and I will love you until the day I die." The leopard hurriedly agreed and they were wed the next day. From that day forward until one year had passed, the leopard provided the fortune teller's family with food just as he had promised. The psychic, leopard, and the princess smiled because each of them had gotten their wishes fulfilled.
Author's Note: The story,The Raibar and the Leopard, is part of the Santal Folklore unit. Story source: Folklore of the Santal Parganas by Cecil Henry Bompas (1909). This story is about a raibar, which is also known as a matchmaker, who meets a leopard while traveling to arrange some marriages between several families. He doesn't want to be eaten, so he basically promises to find the leopard a mate. The raibar ends up tricking the leopard into getting into a sack and he beats up the leopard in the sack and throws him in the river. The raibar goes about his business of arranging marriages and forgets all about the leopard. The leopard gets rescued by a leopardess and they end up together. In the end of the story, the raibar runs into the leopard again and the leopard spares his life because he had found his mate.
My story is quite different from the original storyline. I decided to keep the leopard as one of my main characters, but chose to change the rest of the story to be more modernized. However, I did use the part of the story where the leopard is rescued by a leopardess and the fact that they end up together. The picture I chose is of a beautiful, regal-looking leopard. He just looks so majestic that I thought it would be perfect for my storyline. It also looks like to me that he is sitting near the water's edge. The second picture is of a fortune teller. It is a picture of a beautiful woman who looks like someone the rabiar might meet during his travels. I also decided to use the words psychic and fortune teller interchangeably throughout the story, so I wasn't using the same word repeatedly.