In the beginning of the first story, I like how the cat and dog were friends and got along well. They both loved their owners and their owners loved them too. After their owners had sold their golden ring and started to lose their wealth, the cat and dog created a plan to return the golden ring to their owners. They worked together, side by side, and did find the ring together. On their way home, the cat ended up getting home faster than the dog and took full advantage of this fact to get all the praise and adoration from the owners. This infuriated the dog because all he received was scolding and punishment. In this story, I can see why that would cause a huge rift between the cat and dog.
I liked this story a lot even though the cat and dog are enemies in the ending. The story reminded me somewhat about how some human relationships turn out. Sometimes even someone you've known for a long time can turn on you and become your worst enemy. I have seen it happen to some of my friends before and it's a horrible feeling for them.
In the second story about the child of ill luck, it starts out with a King's daughter who has chosen someone to marry that the King does not approve of at all. He is so enraged at the act that he throws them both our of the kingdom to live on their own. They barely survive, but one day the husband decides to go out and seek his fortune. After 18 long years, the husband returns to find his wife still waiting for him. He found his fortune and shared it with his wife after he realized she had done what she had promised. The story ends with her only living for a short while after being rescued by her husband.
Even though this was a pretty sad story, I still liked it. I admire the wife's loyalty, trust and honesty. I aspire to have those same qualities in my own life, but to be honest, I'm not sure if I could have waited for eighteen long years for my husband to return. I probably would have considered him long gone or dead after several years had passed. I can relate to the part of the story where she chose a husband to which her father didn't approve of. She was young and I remember doing that very thing when I was a young teenager as well. She sounds like she was a pretty rebellious girl and that is a trait in myself that I can relate to in this story. This story also makes me think of the Disney story Aladdin. The princess falls in love with a beggar and her father is against it at first. Then, in the end, they get married and share in the kingdom's fortunes.
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