Sunday, February 15, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 5

AHHH...I'm so glad that this week is about over!  I had so many issues with getting my Portfolio Folder set up correctly for this class.  For some reason, my brain just couldn't wrap around the instruction on how to do it correctly.  At last, I think I have finally gotten it working now!  Thank goodness.  Lol

My other classes (and other family stressors) have calmed down a bit, so that is definitely a plus.  I'm actually doing better in my classes so far than I had originally thought.  Yay me!  That makes me feel better about actually graduating at the end of this semester.  I'm still worried about my Trigonometry class, but I'm taking it slow & steady.  Baby steps, right?

One thing that I'm actually looking forward to this coming weekend is my daughter's adoption party.  We adopted her on February 2nd, but with our crazy busy schedules we haven't been able to have a party for her yet.  Lots of people are coming and I'm looking forward to the distraction.

I'm also really looking forward to Spring Break next month.  I'm hoping to take the family on a road trip to see some sights around Oklahoma that I haven't been to in a long time.  It will be fun to take a family trip and "get away" for a while.  I think we may even go visit my family in Tulsa too while we are out adventuring as a family.  I think I'd like to go to some children's museums, Arbuckle wilderness, Frontier City and maybe some other places that I've heard of recently.  I think there's a place in Oklahoma that you can dig for crystals or diamonds.  That sounds like fun.

Anyway, even though some of this week was stressful, I have some great things to look forward to doing in the very near future!  Gotta love a large family and all the (good & bad) times that it brings into your life!

(Personal Photo: Our adoption hearing day!  Our new addition, Jacqueline, is the girl in the middle. February 2015)

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